Welcome Address to Special Issue 1/2021

Dear readers,

with this Special Issue 1/2021, sozialraum.de can clearly enhance its thematic aim to serve as a forum for debates on spatial research and its implications for theory, research and practice. The set of articles that are assembled in this issue has originated from an inquiry for a publishing cooperation from the currently still running Collaborative Research Centre (DFG Sonderforschungsbereich) 1265 which is working on the theme of “Refiguration of Spaces” [1]. The initial idea was to create a Special Issue in English language with thematically connected contributions around the question, how the phenomenon of polycontexturalization can be conceptualized and reflected within a spatial perspective and how this would implicate spatial research and theory development.

Out of this idea, this Special Issue 1/2021 on “Polycontexturalization: A Spatial Phenomenon” has emerged. We could gain Hubert Knoblauch, Martina Löw, Jörg Stollmann and Gunter Weidenhaus as Guest Editors for this issue. We are now very happy to see the collection of five inspiring contributions and the Guest Editorial with conceptual reflections on this issue’s theme.

The Collaborative Research Centre 1265 “Re-Figuration of Spaces” has become an inspiring place for foundational spatial research. Based on an interdisciplinary and international research approach it could already create a bigger conceptual output on the dynamics of the (re-)figurations of spaces and its impacts on very different settings. Emerging from the manifold research activities of this Collaborative Research Centre, the discourse on spatial research has been inspired in manifold ways. New perspectives and terms could be integrated in the academic discourse and the reflection of spatiality and relational spaces has found a clearly enriching and relevant new place for the further debate.

On the basis of this positive experience in collaborating with Guest Editors, we would certainly welcome the opportunity to host further Special Issues in the future.

Bremen, Düsseldorf, St. Gallen, Vienna in June 2021

Christian Spatscheck, Ulrich Deinet, Christian Reutlinger, Richard Krisch


[1] To find out more about the Collaborative Research Centre 1265 “Re-Figuration of Spaces” visit: https://sfb1265.de/en/